Reach Out UPS

UPSers is one of the most popular sites presented by UPS Logistics Company and is dedicated to the current employees only. UPSers Login portal is maintained by a corporation that is one of the most generous package delivery chains in America.

In this UPSer Login portal, employees can acknowledge the working mechanism of the organization and access a range of services. Services incorporate obtaining salary data, managing employee perks, requesting vacations, and obtaining tickets.

Each active and inactive employee is designated as a unique username to access the website dashboard. Here are the details about the UPSers contact details whereby employees can get all the relevant assistance if they face any issue in accessing the UPSers Login portal.

UPSers Contact Details

To get the official service in the USA. Visit the official site or call 1-800-PICK-UPS (742-5877) to get assistance from the official delegate of UPS Capital. For questions regarding package pickup, please call 1-800-PICK-UPS or 1-800-742-5877.

Regional Headquarters (Middle East)

  • Jebel Ali Free Trade Zone, south,
  • Lot number S20118, rue SW101,
  • Jebel Ali, Dubai, P.O. Box 262970,
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Contact number: + 971-4-807-888

Headquarters in India, Mumbai

  • Lot 6-A, Shyam Nagar,
  • Outside the town of JVLR Majas,
  • Jogeshwari (East), Mumbai – 400060, India
  • Contact number: (+ 91-22) 2827 6200

If employees have any problems, kindly call the customer service number in the next tab.

Customer Service – 1-800-742-5877 (1-800-PICK-UPS)
For international shipments related queries, call 1-800-782-7892 during business hours.
TTY / TDD Access for the employees who are Hearing Impaired – 1-800-833-0056.

Customers outside the United States:

  • Visit the official site at and select your region.
  • UPSers delegates are confident that the UPSer contact details will assist all the employees for the UPSer Employee Login portal. These contact details must be utilized by every employee in case of need only.
  • Also, there is a contact form that will equally help the users to reach out to the UPSers officials.